Cloudera vs Hortonworks

June 15, 2021

Cloudera vs Hortonworks

Big data is omnipresent, and businesses need to harness the power of their data to stay ahead of the curve. Cloudera and Hortonworks are two of the biggest players in the world of big data. Both offer robust platforms for data storage, processing, and analytics. But which one is the right choice for your organization? Let's examine the capabilities of each platform.


Cloudera provides an enterprise-ready data management platform that includes Hadoop, Spark, Hive, and more. It also offers a comprehensive set of management tools, including Cloudera Manager for deployment and administration, Navigator for data governance and Lineage for metadata management.

Hortonworks offers a 100% open source data management platform that includes Hadoop, Spark, Hive, and more. It also provides Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) for big data analytics and Hortonworks DataFlow (HDF) for data integration.


Both platforms are available for free and also come with enterprise-level support. While the cost will vary depending on the size of your organization and your specific needs, Cloudera typically has a higher total cost of ownership (TCO) than Hortonworks due to its proprietary extensions, additional management tools, and enterprise-level support services.


When it comes to performance, both platforms are designed to handle large volumes of data. Cloudera is generally accepted to have the edge when it comes to performance, with benchmark tests performed by third-parties showing that Cloudera outperforms Hortonworks by up to 50%.


Both vendors place a great emphasis on security, with both platforms providing robust security features. Cloudera has additional security extensions, such as Cloudera Navigator, which provides additional data classification, auditing, and access controls.


Both platforms offer integration with third-party tools and applications, as well as provide APIs so that developers can build new applications based on the data stored in Hadoop. Both platforms can integrate with various data sources, including cloud-based storage solutions.


Cloudera and Hortonworks have active open source communities, which provides support, new functionalities, and bug fixes. However, some argue that Cloudera has the bigger and more active community of the two.


Both Cloudera and Hortonworks provide powerful big data solutions that can handle large volumes of data. While both are great choices, choosing the right platform for your organization will depend on your specific needs, budget, and other factors.

All in all, performance and cost are the two most significant factors that can influence your decision. If you prioritize a higher level of performance and are willing to pay more for it, Cloudera may be the better option. However, if you are on a tight budget, Hortonworks’ free and open-source platform can be the better choice.

We hope this comparison helps you make an informed decision. If there are any other factors you are considering, please let us know in the comments below!


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